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Waste Management Services You Can Count On

Trash Taxi of Georgia stands at the forefront of the waste management industry as a leading recycling collection company dedicated to serving the communities of Bartow, Cherokee, Cobb, and Paulding counties, GA. In an era where environmental consciousness is increasingly prioritized, the demand for safe and purposeful disposal of materials has grown significantly among both homeowners and businesses in Acworth. Recognizing the importance of sustainable practices, a growing number of homeowners now actively seek ways to become better environmental stewards, aiming to maximize recycling efforts and minimize waste output with their trash and recycling services. At Trash Taxi of Georgia, we not only acknowledge the significance of responsible waste management but also provide efficient and convenient recycling services tailored to meet the specific needs of each client. Contact our experienced team today and allow us to guide you in choosing the most suitable recycling solution, aligning with your goals and contributing to a greener and more sustainable future for you and your community.

recycle bin

Single-Stream Recycling Process

Single-stream recycling process makes things easier for homeowners. You put all your recycling in one container (bin or cart), and Trash Taxi of Georgia will pick it up and take it to the local Materials Recovery Facility (MRF), where it is separated. Your recyclable items are kept out of the landfill and are turned into raw materials for manufacturers.

For more information, read and/or download our recycling guide.

  • Convenience – Place your items in one bin. That’s all.
  • Time-Saving – Move on with your day while we handle transporting your recyclables.
  • Stewardship – Take care of our community now and in the future.
Recycling Glass

Unfortunately, no local recycling center will accept glass from local trash haulers so we are unable to take glass in your curbside recycling container. If you would like to recycle glass, you can take it to any Ripple Receptacle in the area. Check here to find the nearest Ripple recycling bin.

recycle carts

What Is Green or Organic Trash?

Green or organic trash refers to biodegradable waste composed of natural materials such as food scraps, yard trimmings, and other plant or animal-based substances. These materials can easily decompose through natural processes, contributing to the production of nutrient-rich compost that can be used to enrich soil and support plant growth. Proper management of green or organic trash often involves composting, which facilitates the breakdown of organic matter into a valuable soil amendment.

About Our Hefty® ReNew® Recycling Program

Our residential customers enjoy peace of mind through our Hefty® EnergyBag® Recycling Program. The program provides innovative solutions for turning tough plastics into valuable, reusable resources. Put your hard-to-recycle plastics 3-7 in a Hefty® Renew® Bag available at Kroger, Publix, and Amazon, and take it to the curb on your scheduled recycling day. Our team will collect it and separate the plastics from other items at our local Materials Recovery Facility (MRF). The program allows you to skip the landfill and contribute your recyclable plastic in a meaningful way.

Contact Trash Taxi of Georgia

Elevate your waste management experience with Trash Taxi of Georgia in Acworth, GA. Our commitment to reliable and eco-friendly trash and recycling services ensures a cleaner and more sustainable environment for you and your community. Let us handle the complexities of waste disposal while you enjoy the peace of mind that comes with responsible and efficient practices. Schedule a consultation now and take the first step towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

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